We’re a community development organization giving people in poverty the opportunity to earn a house by serving their community.
Seeing the drastic difference between how we live versus those in developing countries has never sat well with me. I’ve never bought the idea that we have our problems and ‘they’ have theirs, or that ‘they’ are just too far away for us to help. I think we are all in this together. We have a responsibility to love and serve everyone, no matter what religion, race, ethnicity, gender, or what country they live in…we all have that 1MISSION.
Christian Family Care
The difference is our Christ-centered, 24/7 professional counseling and support services we make available to every family we serve. Our aim is to provide professional care and biblical counseling to these families, at no cost, so every child finds a stable, permanent home with a Christ-centered family.
Christ’s Church of the Valley
At CCV it is our mission to WIN people to Christ, TRAIN believers to become disciples, and SEND disciples to impact the world.